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Take Your Power Back.

Break Free from Past Trauma and Reclaim Your Life. No Limits, No Clichés, just Your Authentic Growth.

Being willing to change allows you to move from a point of view to a viewing point – a higher, more expansive place, from which you can see both sides.
~Thomas Crum

Unlock Your Potential to Thrive.

Join my FREE Masterclass for a deep dive into practical methods and real-life insights. No hidden costs – just genuine guidance on your path to overcoming past trauma and thriving in every aspect of your life. 

Let's be real...

The way you’re showing up in life right now? It’s not quite hitting the mark. That ongoing search for the magic formula to embody your best self? It’s a constant struggle.

There are moments when you wonder if that idealized version of yourself is nothing more than wishful thinking.

You’re ready to reclaim your time and energy, ready to make a change. Yet, that lingering fear of disrupting the delicate balance, even if it’s not in harmony with your true self, holds you back.

Deep down, you know you’re destined for more. And you know what? I wholeheartedly believe in YOU.

Hi, I'm Dawn.

A compassionate certified life coach who understands the impact of trauma firsthand.

Ever felt imprisoned by life’s unseen forces? I’ve been there too. For years, I struggled to find the key to break free, only to discover that childhood and adolescent trauma were shaping every aspect of my life.

Trauma sucks, and recovering from it’s long-term impacts isn’t for the faint of heart. But there’s a way to level the playing field so you can feel in charge of your emotions.

I’ve been through it, and now I’m here to guide you.

Ready to reclaim control? Let’s navigate this journey together and unlock your full potential.

My mission is to help you debunk the myths that change is hard, that you have to hit rock bottom before you can climb back up, that all you have to do is think different thoughts, and that you have to relive your trauma in order to heal it.

Let's Work Together


Unleash vitality, abundance, and thrive by breaking free from fear, guilt, anger, self-sabotage, and lack of focus in my empowering 4-week program.

Navigate change with ease. Let’s work together to make your transformation faster, easier, and gentler – regain control and start moving forward today.

Discover stories of hope that ignite change. Grab a cup of tea, find a quiet space, and immerse yourself in reads that inspire your journey of transformation.

What Other Clients Are Saying
“When I began this coaching with Dawn, I had friends who had fitness coaches, or faith mentors, or financial coaches. But I needed it all. I remember telling my daughter, "I need a whole-life-coach" and that is exactly what I found with Dawn. Going through the 10-week Oola course with her has been nothing but fabulous and life changing! I have so much hope now, and not only big dreams, but goals and step by step plans to get me there! All of my life has been changed, I'm spending more quality time with my family, my finances are in order, my fitness is improving daily, my faith is growing, my friendships have been strengthened (and some done away with!), I have added fun into my life for the first time in decades and I have a great big life goal that I am taking practical steps every day to make happen!”

~ Kristie D.
What Other Clients Are Saying
“Dawn is an amazing coach. She gets down to the issue and guides you through to the other side. I had never heard of the Insanity Cycle before working with Dawn. She helps you dial down to the root cause of your issues and gives you tools to work through those issues. I am now equipped to help myself through current and past issues. I am able to stop my past trauma from affecting my children so that they can live truer lives and also understand where people are coming from in other areas of my life. Thank you Dawn for all your valuable guidance.”

~ Brandy G.
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